Numerical Analysis Of Venturi Ducted Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine For Efficient Power Generation.

Recent developments are carried out to enhance the performance of horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT). In these developments a low pressure region was created behind the wind turbine blades enclosed by diffuser or shroud. In this paper the venturi effect was used to concentrate the air flow to the turbine blades with convergent section, which increases the velocity at turbine blades and low pressure region created behind the blades by divergent section, whereas turbine was mounted at the throat section. ANSYS FLUENT 14.0 was used to study the behaviour of air flow through venturi and results were compared with bare HAWT. The aim of the project is to reflect an idea of wind power plant in the urban areas where wind velocity is low. The increased velocity of wind resulted in significant improvement in the kinetic energy hence power output of turbine.