LHC Beam Loss Monitoring System Verification Applications
The LHC Beam Loss Monitoring (BLM) [1] system is one of the most complex instrumentation systems deployed in the LHC. In addition to protecting the collider, the system also needs to provide a means of diagnosing machine faults and deliver a feedback of losses to the control room as well as to several systems for their setup and analysis. It has to transmit and process signals from almost 4’000 monitors, and has nearly 3 million configurable parameters. The system was designed with reliability and availability in mind. The specified operation and the failsafety standards must be guaranteed for the system to perform its function in preventing superconductive magnet destruction caused by particle flux. Maintaining the expected reliability requires extensive testing and verification. In this paper we report our most recent additions to the numerous verification applications. The developments have been made using LabVIEW and CERN custom made libraries and allow the user to connect either directly to the front end computer (FEC) or through a dedicated server.
[1] B. Dehning,et al. The LHC beam loss monitoring system's data acquisition card , 2007 .
[2] Christos Zamantzas,et al. The beam loss monitoring system , 2004 .
[3] Christos Zamantzas,et al. The LHC Beam Loss Monitoring System's Surface Building Installation. oai:cds. , 2006 .