연구논문 : 초등학생의 읽기 능력과 과학 탐구 능력 및 과학 성취도와의 관계

The purpose of this study was to inquiry how much elementary students` reading ability has relations with science process skills and science achievement. Generally laboratory activity and science process skills have been emphasized, on the other hand, reading activity and reading ability have been neglected by science educators for nearly 30 years. But reading a text is not simply a process of decoding printed symbols; it is a process of thinking involved manifold factors. Under this recognition, some science educators have steadily researched into reading. The interesting thing out of them is pros and cons about correspondence between science process skills and reading skills. Therefore, in order to investigate the relationships between reading ability, science process skills, and science achievement, grade 5 students (N=I15) were selected from one elementary school in Inchon and then they were required to respond to tests (which assess reading abilities, science process skills, and science achievement). The results of this study appeared to indicate that reading ability has significant relations with science process skills and science achievement. Probably, the proper using of scientific written materials, as problem-solving activity, will provide students with opportunities that they can practice science process skills and obtain the scientific knowledge.