High-power fourth- and fifth-harmonic generation of a Nd:YAG laser by means of a CsLiB(6)O(10).

High pulse energies of nanosecond-level fourth- and fifth-harmonic (4omega and 5omega) generation of a Nd:YAG laser have been obtained with a CsLiB(6)O(10) (CLBO) nonlinear crystal. 500 mJ of 4omega output with a conversion efficiency of 50% from the second-harmonic input was generated. 5omega output at 213 nm of as high as 230 mJ was obtained by sum-frequency generation of the 266- and 1064-nm beams, corresponding to a 10.4% conversion efficiency of the initial fundamental input energy. The characteristics of the CLBO crystal that permit this effective frequency conversion are discussed.