Policy and Politics in Nursing and Health Care

A nursing perspective: policy and politics - a framework for action feminist perspectives on policy and politics historical overview - policy, politics and nursing organization and delivery of health care in the United States - the health care system that isn't health care financing. Knowing the process, using the power: policy development and analysis political analysis and strategy dynamics of public policy conflict, politics and policy coalitions for action research as a policy/political pool the economics of health care the role of the media in influencing policy - getting the message across ethical issues - politics, power and policy. Policy and politics in the workplace: contemporary issues in the workplace - a glimpse over the horizon into the new age strategies for working in the workplace communication and collaborating for change in the workplace ensuring the future of nurses in clinical practice - issues and strategies for staff nurses and advanced practice nurses collective action in the workplace the politics of nursing research. Policy and politics in government: contemporary issues in government legislative and regulatory process nursing and the courts local government state governement federal governemnt political appointments political parties lobbying policymakers - individual and collective strategies the American voter - political campaigns and nursing leadership. Contemporary issues in professional organizations: contemporary issues in professional organizations you and your professional organization political action committees. Policy and politcs in the community: contemporary issues in the community working with the community for change policy, politics and foundations nursing, health and health care in the international community. Appendices: internships in policy and politics Hatch Act syllabus nursing agenda for health care reform.