The physical space of the basements of the airplanes is divided in positions, standardized and clearly demarcated, that they will be occupied for the pallets, also standardized, in reason of the swinging among the weight of each one of them and the position that will occupy in the airplane, in way to maintain safe limits between the pressure center and the center of gravity of the airplane. After the swinging, whose calculation is made through computers, it must be proceed to the shipment or unloading of the airplanes. It exists there inside a rupture point among the technology of information, which calculates the ideal swinging of the distribution of the load of the airplanes, and the operation of the shipment or unloading in itself, that it is done manually. The entrance in the process of what could be called of "human factor" can mean unacceptable flaws for the safety of the flights. Many aerial companies, to limit the caused damage, they are detaching a trained employee, the loadmaster, that accompanies the airplane from the origin point to the destiny point, to coordinate every shipment and unloading process. The article suggests, to the end, the use of electronic systems and technology of information to guarantee zero fails in those operations.