Freshwater shelled invertebrate indicators of paleoclimate in northwestern Canada during late glacial times: Discussion

Delorme et al. (1977) have ably demonstrated Cal/m3 (104.67 x lo6 J/m3), and T = 0.8"C would be that the climate in northwestern Canada was conabout 30m in only 1000 years. Consequently, even siderably warmer during the time interval 14 410 when the lowest (O.S°C) air temperature given by 6820 years BP than at present and they estimated Delorme et al. (1977) is used, instead of a ground that mean annual air temperatures rose to between temperature presumably several degrees higher, 0.8 and 1.5"C. The purpose of this discussion is to any pre-existing permafrost would have undergone present permafrost field evidence that suggests that very deep thaw in the interval of 14 410 6820 years mean annual air temperatures have remained sevBP. era1 degrees below -WC, in the coastal area of northwestern Canada, throughout postglacial time.