Strategies for Basic-Facts Instruction.

dren explained with these typical replies how they solved the number fact 8 + 7: “I know 7 + 7 is 14, and 1 more is 15”; “8 + 2 makes 10. But 7 has 5 more, so the answer is 15”; and “I just knew the answer was 15.” Teaching basic number facts like 8 + 7 has been a goal of elementary mathematics instruction for more than 100 years and continues to be important today. Although most teachers agree that students’ fact mastery is important, many are unclear about how to seek it in ways that are consistent with the NCTM’s Standards (1989, 1991, 1995). They even disagree about what knowing the basic facts means and when, or even if, students should achieve mastery. Is it appropriate to expect first graders to memorize addition facts, or will this task interfere with their mathematical thinking? What classroom practices can build both understanding and quick recall? Can fact mastery be achieved through problem-solving activities, or is practice necessary? If current reforms in mathematics education are to succeed, questions about the basic facts need answers.

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