Municipal Solid Waste Management in Asia- A Comparative Analysis

The present scenario of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in four study countries of Asia – namely China, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand is highlighted comparing technical, economic, legal and, health issues. An overview of various aspects of the municipal solid waste (MSW) is provided comprising all domestic and non-hazardous wastes in the urban areas of the above countries with emphasis on the generation and composition of MSW, management needs, collection systems practiced, transportation and disposal systems used. The collections systems and their lacunae, the recycling practiced with respect to the involvement of the government and the private sectors are underlined. Disposal methods in India and Thailand find mention in particular for landfill and incineration. Other issues taken up are the effects on MSW due to cultural aspects and climatic variations. Further to that it is reflected on the public awareness and participation of the community in MSWM as well as the involvement of the NGOs and the private sector. Finally, the emerging trends with respect to the integrated solid waste management (ISWM) have been discussed.