Stingray: High-Speed Teleoperation of UGVs in Urban Terrain Using Driver-Assist Behaviors and Immersive Telepresence

Abstract : In order to extend the usefulness of small unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) to a wider range of missions, we are developing techniques to enable high-speed teleoperated control. Our goal is to quadruple the speed of teleoperated UGVs compared to currently deployed models. The key limitation is not mechanical, but in the capability of the operator to maintain situational awareness and control at higher speeds. To address these issues, we are developing technologies for immersive teleoperation and driver-assist behaviors. Our immersive teleoperation system uses a head-mounted display and head-aimed cameras to provide the operator with the illusion of being in the vehicle itself. Driver-assist behaviors will reduce the cognitive load on the operator by automatically avoiding obstacles while maintaining a specified heading or following a building wall or street. We have demonstrated immersive teleoperation on the iRobot Warrior UGV and a high-speed surrogate UGV. In the near future, we will integrate driver-assist behaviors and improved immersive teleoperation on a high-speed Warrior and test this system in realistic MOUT environments.