The Social Contract from Hobbes to Rawls

Preface 1.The social contract and its critics: an overview, David Boucher and Paul Kelly 2.Hobbes' contractarianism: A comparative analysis, Murray Forsyth 3.John Locke: Social contract versus political anthropology, Jeremy Waldron 4.Locke's contract in perspective, Martyn P.Thompson 5.History, reason and experience: Hume's arguments against contract theories, Dario Castiglione 6.Rousseau, social contract and the modern Leviathan, Jeremy Jennings 7.Kant's social contract theory, Howard Williams 8.Hegel's critique of the theory of the social contract, Bruce Haddock 9.Marx and the social contract, Lawrence Wilde 10.Contractarianism in international political theory, John Charvet 11.Women, gender and contract:Feminist interpretations, Diane Coole 12.Gauthier and the contractual basis of morality, Margaret Moore 13.Justifying Justice: Contractarianism, communitarianism and the foundations of contemporary liberalism, Paul Kelly 14.'Economic justice': Contractarianism and Rawls' difference principle, Rex Martin