Report on the 1984 Distributed Artificial Intelligence Workshop

The fifth Distributed Artificial Intclligencc Workshop tias held at the Schlumberger-Doll Research Laboratory from October 14 to 17, 1984 It was attended by 20 participants from academic and industrial institutions. As in the past,’ this workshop was designed as an informal meeting It included brief research rcport,s from individual groups along with genera1 discussion of questions of common interest. This report summarizes the general discussion and contains summaries of group presentations that have been contributed by individual speakers to scale the resources applied to a problem). Others arc motivated by problem characteristics, such as natural spatial or functional distribution. Finally, some researchers are motivated by the observation that some issues in problcm solving and reasoning (e.g., communication and coherent cooperation) are brought into sharp focus in the distributed setting. The main body of this report contains summaries written by individual attcndces of the workshop. This is, in turn, followed by a brief smnmary of the gcncral discus