Expedient Repair of Structural Facilities
Abstract : Damaged airbase facilities critical to restoring aircraft operations must be repaired quickly after an attack to provide the needed support. Repair technologies have been developed in earthquake damage research which have potential application to bomb damage repair. This report describes the repair techniques developed for earthquake damage and their potential application to bomb damage repair. Although the damage mechanisms from earthquake loads are quite different-from damage mechanisms of blast loads, the damage resulting to structural elements can be quite similar. Typical damages and failure mechanisms are categorized and compared for earthquake and conventional weapon loadings. Typical structures are selected based upon design guidelines. Damages expected to the typical structures from conventional weapon attack are described. Functional damages are defined and methods for accomplishing facility repairs are then recommended depending upon the facility function and the degree of damage. Materials, equipment, and procedures developed for repairing earthquake damage are described along with their potential use in repairing bomb damages.