We present a strategy for obtaining aggressive flight maneuvers similar to what might be produced by a pilot. We use a highly simplified aircraft model that can account for the lift/drag and thrust characteristics of an aircraft under consideration. When thrust is considered an input, this model is differentially flat (and dynamically feedback linearizable) so that the system can be made to follow any reasonable trajectory. Most trajectories will require significant movement of the throttle. Except in close formation, a pilot does not tend to make rapid throttle adjustments. Indeed, many maneuvers are accomplished using a fixed throttle position. The objective is to fly a desired path rather than a (time indexed) trajectory. Although the aircraft model with throttle fixed (thrust predetermined) is no longer differentially flat, we show that the system can still be made to follow any reasonable path. Roughly speaking, an appropriate derivative of the path parametrization variable acts as the missing control allowing flatness-like results to be obtained.
M. Fliess,et al.
Flatness and defect of non-linear systems: introductory theory and examples
George J. Pappas,et al.
Conflict resolution for multi-agent hybrid systems
Proceedings of 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
Richard M. Murray,et al.
A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation
John Lygeros,et al.
Output tracking for a non-minimum phase dynamic CTOL aircraft model
Proceedings of 1995 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
S. Shankar Sastry,et al.
Nonlinear control design for slightly non-minimum phase systems: Application to V/STOL aircraft