OpenMS - A Framework for Quantitative HPLC/MS-Based Proteomics

Simulation biologischer Systeme, WSI/ZBIT,Eberhard-Karls-Universitat Tu¨bingen, Sand 14, 72076 T¨ubingen, Germany,oliver.kohlbacher@uni-tuebingen.deAbstract. One of the main goals of proteomics research is the discov-ery of novel diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets. Currently, massspectrometry is the main platform for analyzing complex protein sam-ples. Lately, HPLC/MS-based approaches havegained considerable inter-est due to their larger potential for full automation when compared togel-based techniques. Particularly, multi-dimensional HPLC-MS meth-ods have a great potential as a platform for differential quantification ofproteins in complex mixtures. However, computational methods to ana-lyze these automated analyses at a large scale are yet to be developed.The development of these methods should encompass new methods fordata reduction, data interpretation, data management and visualization.We propose an algorithmic framework for a fully automated differen-tial analysis of HPLC/MS samples, which goes beyond the currentlyestablished pairwise comparison of samples towards a statistically soundanalysis of larger sample numbers. In this short paper we outline theframework in its current state and lay out future plans.Keywords. computational proteomics, quantitativeanalysis, C++,soft-ware framework, mass spectrometry

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