A table for a combined Wilcoxon Ansari-Bradley statistic

This was programmed in integer arithmetic on the CDC 6600 computer of the Centre de Calcul de l'Universit6 de Montreal to obtain the exact distribution function of T for m = 2 (1) 30, n = 2; m = 3 (1) 26, n = 3; m = 4 (1) 18, n = 4; m = 5 (1) 13, n = 5; m = 6 (1) 10, n = 6; m = 7, 8, n = 7, with a precision of 10 significant digits. For each (m, n) and for a between 0 and 1, the value of the critical point T(m, n; a) is given by the smallest possible value t of T such that Pm n(T > t) 2 x2(a)} = ac. Since T is asymptotically distributed as a x2 (Lepage, 1971, Theorem 4), one can approximate the exact critical point