Vehicle-Track Dynamic Simulations of a Locomotive Considering Wheelset Structural Flexibility and Comparison with Measurements

Abstract Wheelset structural flexibility, that is the elastic deformation of the wheelset as a structure, can significantly influence the vehicle-track dynamic interaction. In this paper on-track simulations considering flexible wheelsets, modelled through eigenmodes derived from a finite element model, are presented and compared with on-track measurements. The effects of the wheelset structural flexibility on track forces, in the frequency range 0-100 Hz, are investigated. Results from parametric studies are also presented. The present application is a Swedish Rc7 locomotive having rather slender wheelsets. It is shown that both lateral and vertical track forces are significantly influenced by the wheelset flexibility and that the agreement with measurements is fairly good. The wheelset flexibility increases the lateral track forces. The track representation in the present context is important and the used so-called moving track model needs improvements.