This chapter focuses on Object-oriented Design and Programming (OOD/P), which is based on the principles of information hiding, derived from abstract data types, and the close association of functions with data. The separation of data from code is an essential part of structured methods, but with OOD/P, the methods are grouped with their data to form objects. Similar objects are identified as sharing the same type or class. The concept of a task is not commonly employed by Object-oriented (OO) developers, who often work at a more abstract level, ignoring the implementation constraints which will rear up when the time for implementation arrives. Design patterns are a valuable tool for software developers because they offer proven solutions to common problems.
J. E. Cooling.
Real-Time Software Systems: An Introduction to Structured and Object-Oriented Design
Bernard P. Zeigler,et al.
Objects and Systems
Undergraduate Texts in Computer Science.
John Deacon,et al.
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
J. C. Kelly,et al.
A comparison of four design methods for real-time systems
ICSE '87.
Stephen Travis Pope,et al.
A cookbook for using the model-view controller user interface paradigm in Smalltalk-80
John Savage,et al.
Object-oriented design with UML and Java