PP167 Syngeneic transplantation of adipose tissue-derived cells following experimental stroke: a preclinical efficacy trial

„ Introduction Beside cardiovascular diseases and cancer, stroke is one of the most common causes of death and long-term disability in the Western world. Established therapeutic approaches for stroke are time-restricted and often associated with serious adverse effects. Cell therapies have been proven effective in preclinical studies of acute and chronic stroke; however, to date, several ethical, monetary and logistical drawbacks complicated the translation of these results into a clinical reality. Adipose tissue-derived regenerative cells (ADRC) might be a promising alternative, since these cells can be obtained from the patient’s own adipose tissue in large amounts. ADRC have been proven effective in animal models of cardiovascular diseases, potentially by several anti-apoptotic, immunomodulatory and angiogenic effects. The main goal of the present study is a determination of efficacy of intravenous ADRC transplantation in a rodent stroke model.