Nowadays, when someone wants to make a payment with a smartcard, the user has to enter a pin code to be
identified. Only biometrics is able to authenticate a user; yet biometric information is sensitive. To ensure
the security and privacy of biometric data, OCC (On-Card-Comparison) has been proposed. This approach
consists in storing biometric data in a secure zone on a smartcard and computing the verification decision in
a Secure Element (SE). The purpose of this paper is to propose an evaluation platform for testing biometric
systems such as the analysis of performance and security on biometric OCC. Based on two examples, we
illustrate its different uses in an operationnal context. The first example focus on the âQuality moduleâ which
allows to choose the enrollment by considering the fingerprint quality with one proposed metric. The second
one addresses the minutiae reduction of the fingerprint template when the number of minutiae is higher than
expected by the OCC.