Survey of maintenance policies for the Last 50 Years

In the past several decades, maintenance and replacement problems have been extensively studied in the literature. Thousands of maintenance and replacement models have been created. However, all these models can fall into some categories of maintenance policies: age replacement policy, block replacement policy, periodic preventive maintenance policy, failure limit policy, sequential preventive maintenance policy, repair cost limit policy, repair time limit policy, repair number counting policy, reference time policy, mixed age policy, group maintenance policy, opportunistic maintenance policy, etc. Each kind of policy has different characteristics, advantages and disadvantages with lot of contributions from Research scientist, Technologists... This survey summarizes, classifies, and compares various existing maintenance policies Around 170 Authors and their research works are presented in the Reference section. It will help to look into the different policies which is appropriate to the organization and for further study the reference section will be helpful for the researchers for further knowledge

[1]  J.-K. Chan,et al.  Modeling repairable systems with failure rates that depend on age and maintenance , 1993 .

[2]  John B. McLean,et al.  Some reliability aspects of systems design , 1956 .

[3]  Frank Proschan,et al.  Periodic Replacement with Increasing Minimal Repair Costs at Failure , 1982, Oper. Res..

[4]  B. Bergman Optimal replacement under a general failure model , 1978, Advances in Applied Probability.

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[12]  John Andrews,et al.  The use of not logic in fault tree analysis , 2001 .

[13]  Menachem Berg,et al.  Comparison of Age, Block, and Failure Replacement Policies , 1978, IEEE Transactions on Reliability.

[14]  M. Marseguerra,et al.  Predicting reliability via neural networks , 2003, Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2003..

[15]  Menachem Berg,et al.  A modified block replacement policy , 1976 .

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[30]  Harry F. Martz,et al.  Bayesian reliability analysis of series systems of binomial subsystems and components , 1988 .

[31]  Naftali A. Langberg,et al.  Comparisons for maintenance policies involving complete and minimal repair , 1990 .

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[35]  W. Weibull A Statistical Distribution Function of Wide Applicability , 1951 .

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[37]  Igor Ushakov,et al.  Reliability: Past, Present, Future , 2000 .

[38]  Toshio Nakagawa Periodic inspection policy with preventive maintenance , 1984 .

[39]  J. Doob Renewal theory from the point of view of the theory of probability , 1948 .

[40]  L. Bodin Approximations to System Reliability Using a Modular Decomposition , 1970 .

[41]  Toshio Nakagawa,et al.  Periodic-replacement models with threshold levels , 1991 .

[42]  H. R. Smith,et al.  Method for the Determination of Reliability , 1957 .

[43]  R. Tate,et al.  Unbiased Estimation: Functions of Location and Scale Parameters , 1959 .

[44]  Kishor S. Trivedi,et al.  Importance analysis with Markov chains , 2003, Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2003..

[45]  Benjamin Epstein,et al.  Application of the Theory of Extreme Values in Fracture Problems , 1948 .

[46]  J. Vaurio Optimization of test and maintenance intervals based on risk and cost , 1995 .

[47]  Henry W. Block,et al.  A general age replacement model with minimal repair , 1988, Naval Research Logistics (NRL).

[48]  William Feller,et al.  An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications , 1951 .

[49]  G. Watson,et al.  On the Possibility of Improving the Mean Useful Life of Items by Eliminating Those with Short Lives , 1961 .

[50]  Nozer D. Singpurwalla,et al.  Stochastic Properties of a Sequence of Interfailure Times under Minimal Repair and under Revival , 1984 .

[51]  H. Martz Bayesian reliability analysis , 1982 .

[52]  Z. Birnbaum,et al.  Modules of Coherent Binary Systems , 1965 .

[53]  Frank Beichelt A general preventive maintenance policy , 1976 .

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[57]  R. V. Canfield,et al.  Cost Optimization of Periodic Preventive Maintenance , 1986, IEEE Transactions on Reliability.

[58]  Philip J. Boland Periodic replacement when minimal repair costs vary with time , 1982 .

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[62]  Sarah J. Dunnett,et al.  Improved accuracy in event tree analysis , 2000 .

[63]  Menachem Berg General trigger‐off replacement procedures for two‐unit systems , 1978 .

[64]  J. K. Vaurio On time-dependent availability and maintenance optimization of standby units under various maintenance policies , 1997 .


[66]  Markos V. Koutras,et al.  Reliability bounds for coherent structures with independent components , 1995 .


[68]  Z. Birnbaum,et al.  A Stochastic Characterization of Wear-out for Components and Systems , 1966 .

[69]  T. H. Savits,et al.  Age Dependent Minimal Repair. , 1985 .

[70]  Terje Aven,et al.  Optimal replacement under a minimal repair strategy—a general failure model , 1983, Advances in Applied Probability.

[71]  W. Weibull A statistical theory of the strength of materials , 1939 .

[72]  Emad El-Neweihi,et al.  Stochastic Order for Inspection and Repair Policies , 1991 .

[73]  Z. Birnbaum On a Use of the Mann-Whitney Statistic , 1956 .

[74]  David R. Cox,et al.  A direct proof of a fundamental theorem of renewal theory , 1953 .

[75]  J. George Shanthikumar,et al.  Optimal group maintenance policies with continuous and periodic inspections , 1987 .

[76]  Claude E. Shannon,et al.  Reliable Circuits Using Less Reliable Relays , 1956 .

[77]  Menachem Berg A proof of optimality for age replacement policies , 1977, Advances in Applied Probability.

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