Ahawact Fetal head molding is the change in bead shape due to the forces of labor. Previous investigations of the molding process have ban largely qualitative in nature. In order to provide a first step toward a quantitative description of the &formations of the fetal head, a fmitc eiement analysis of the par&al bone of the fetal skull is pcr&tncd. The structural geometry of the bone is derived from orthogonal radiographs of a full term anatomical specimen. Load and material parameters are taken from previous investigations The bone is modeled using 63 thin shell elements from the SAP IV element library. Scaled models of prctcrm par&al bone are compared to term bone models. The results indicate that the models undergo deformations which are qualitatively similar to those seen in normal labor. The pretcrm parictal bone model exhibits deformations 2-4 times greater than the term bone model for the same load distribution. The significance of these results and their relationship to the molding process are discussed.
T J Kriewall,et al.
Neonatal head shape after delivery: An index of molding
Journal of perinatal medicine.
T J Kriewall,et al.
The elastic modulus of fetal cranial bone: a first step towards an understanding of the biomechanics of fetal head molding.
Journal of biomechanics.
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Mechanical properties on cranial bone.
Journal of biomechanics.
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Intracranial birth trauma in vaginal breech delivery: the continued importance of injury to the occipital bone.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
L. Lindgren,et al.
The Causes of Fœtal Head Moulding in Labour
Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica.
H. C. Moloy.
Studies on Head Molding During Labor