Variação axial e efeito do desbaste na massa específica das árvores centrais de Eucalyptus grandis

This study was undertaken to evaluate the axial variation and the effect of thinning on the basic density of Eucalyptus grandis central diameter trees with 18 years of age. A thinning experiment, located in the northern coast of Rio Grande do Sul, installed in random blocks with four repetitions was evaluated. The treatments were defined according to the number of interventions applied that ranged from zero to six. The trees were selected, in each treatment, on the basis of the central diameter. After cutting down, the trees were measured and the volume determined by Smalian method. Afterwards, disks were taken at the base, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the commercial height, and at the breast height (DBH), for basic density determination. The results indicated that basic density showed a decrease up to DBH, followed by an increase, without a clear tendency to stabilize with the height in all treatments analyzed. The thinning caused variation in basic density of the central trees; however, there was no positive or negative precise trend related to the beneficial space provided by thinning.