Protecting Intellectual Property.

The Oki Group recognizes the importance of intellectual property in its business and endeavors to secure and maintain the property. The establishment of strong intellectual property rights for the purpose of maintenance of Oki Group’s growth in business contributes to sustained growth and corporate earnings, and for this reason the Oki Group establishes intellectual property strategies that match its business strategies at all stages from creation and accumulation through to utilization. Oki has formed a top-down process to develop and implement plans for the creation of intellectual property that will help it to gain a business advantage and build growth potential in its three core segments of info-telecom systems, semiconductors and printers. These efforts also encompass overseas markets, reflecting the global expansion of its business activities. The Oki Group uses its accumulated intellectual property extensively and in variety of ways to maximize its competitive advantage in domestic and overseas markets. Its flexible approach to business development includes the strategic uses of technology partnerships or cross-licensing with other companies. If necessary, the Oki Group also licenses out its intellectual property rights. In the same way as it protects its own intellectual property rights, the Oki Group respects the rights of third parties, including other companies. For this reason, it conducts patent searches when developing new technology and takes great care to avoid infringing intellectual property rights. Regardless of whether or not it intends to establish rights, Oki appropriately, and in accordance with the law, manages its own intellectual property and confidential information, as well as those of its customers and suppliers. It has established organizational structures to prevent the illegal acquisition, disclosure, use or leaking of information.