Automatic communication optimizations through memory reuse strategies

Modern parallel architectures are emerging with sophisticated hardware consisting of hierarchically placed parallel processors and memories. The properties of memories in a system vary wildly, not only quantitatively (size, latency, bandwidth, number of banks) but also qualitatively (scratchpad, cache). Along with the emergence of such architectures comes the need for effectively utilizing the parallel processors and properly managing data movement across memories to improve memory bandwidth and hide data transfer latency. In this paper, we describe some of the high-level optimizations that are targeted at the improvement of memory performance in the R-Stream compiler, a high-level source-to-source automatic parallelizing compiler. We direct our focus in this paper on optimizing communications (data transfers) by improving memory reuse at various levels of an explicit memory hierarchy. This general concept is well-suited to the hardware properties of GPGPUs, which is the architecture that we concentrate on for this paper. We apply our techniques and obtain performance improvement on various stencil kernels including an important iterative stencil kernel in seismic processing applications where the performance is comparable to that of the state-of-the-art implementation of the kernel by a CUDA expert.