Treatment of industrial landfill leachate by means of evaporation and reverse osmosis.

In this paper a process for the treatment of landfill leachate involving evaporation and reverse osmosis was proposed. Experimental tests were performed on an industrial landfill leachate. The leachate was subjected to evaporation so as to obtain a distillate containing a small amount of organic material and a substantial amount of inorganic substances (consisting primarily of metals and ammonium salts). The distillate of the evaporation treatment was then subjected to reverse osmosis. The reverie osmosis tests were performed using two different membranes: the AD membrane (thin two-ply film of polyamide) and the SC membrane (thin three-ply film of polyamide). Tests carried out at different values of pH showed a reduction of organic content of about 88% when AD membranes were used and about 80% with SC membranes independently of pH. As regards ammonium, comparable reductions of over 97% were registered for both types of membrane in the optimal conditions of pH = 6.4 (97.1% for AD membranes and 97.7% for SC).