Long-term performance of an embedded cantilever retaining wall in stiff clay

For embedded retaining walls in clay the critical design condition normally occurs in the long term when pore-water equilibrium has been achieved under the new stress regime near to the wall. This Paper presents the results of a field study of the long-term behaviour of a cantilever diaphragm wall in London clay constructed on the A329(M) near Reading, Berkshire. Lateral stresses acting on the wall were determined from push-in spade cells, from in situ tests using the Camkometer and the Marchetti dilatometer, and from laboratory measurements of soil capillary pressure. The measured stresses are compared with the limiting pressures obtained from assessments of wall stability based on measured strength properties and groundwater conditions. The factors of safety determined from these analyses are then compared with the design values currently recommended. The field data are also compared with finite element predictions of long term behaviour. Pour des murs de soutenement encastres dans de I'argile la condit...