Overall and Adiabatic Effectiveness Values on a Scaled Up, Simulated Gas Turbine Vane: Part I—Experimental Measurements

Recent advances in computational power have made conjugate heat transfer simulations of fully conducting, film cooled turbine components feasible. However, experimental data available with which to validate conjugate heat transfer simulations is limited. This paper presents experimental measurements of external surface temperature on the suction side of a scaled up, fully conducting, cooled gas turbine vane. The experimental model utilizes the matched Bi method, which produces non-dimensional surface temperature measurements that are representative of engine conditions. Adiabatic effectiveness values were measured on an identical near adiabatic vane with an identical geometry and cooling configuration. In addition to providing a valuable data set for computational code validation, the data shows the effect of film cooling on the surface temperature of a film cooled part. As expected, in nearly all instances the addition of film cooling was seen to decrease the overall surface temperature. However, due to the effect of film injection causing early boundary layer transition, film cooling at a high momentum flux ratio was shown to actually increase surface temperature over 0.35 < s/C < 0.45.Copyright © 2011 by ASME