[A successful mitral valve replacement for a 13-year-old girl with mitral stenosis and pulmonary hypertension after renal transplantation].

Mitral valve replacement was successfully performed in a 13-year-old girl due to severely calcified mitral valve stenosis and pulmonary hypertension who had undergone renal transplantation from her father at the age of 8 years old. Although, percutaneous transluminal mitral commissurotomy had been performed for four times until January 1996, severe mitral stenosis could be relieved and she was transported to our hospital in emergency for respiratory failure caused by pulmonary edema. Then we decided to perform mitral valve replacement. The operation was done successfully using trans-septal superior approach with SJMHP 19 mmM. the blood cyclosporin levels were monitored and controlled within normal limits. This is the first successful case of pediatric open heart surgery after renal transplantation to our knowledge.