dustmaps: A Python interface for maps of interstellar dust

The dustmaps package provides a uniform Python interface for several commonly used maps of interstellar dust, including two-dimensional maps such as Schlegel, Finkbeiner, and Davis (1998), Planck Collaboration et al. (2014) and Lenz, Hensley, and Doré (2017), and three-dimensional maps such as Marshall et al. (2006) and Green et al. (2015). dustmaps makes use of Astropy’s coordinate-system package (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, Astropy Collaboration 2013), making it easy to query dust maps in a wide variety of coordinate systems (Equatorial, Galactic, Ecliptic, etc.). Additionally, dustmaps handles the downloading of the supported dust maps for users, and allows users to query some dust maps from a remote server, avoiding the need to download large data files.