Online existence is required as one of the important aspects of business processes including educational institutions. The improvement of online existence is needed because the customer needs better information service. These improvements will be done to increase the site's ranking in the search engine index. One of measurement used in educational institutions is Webometrics. Many research has been done related to the increase in Webometrics. This study offers a freshness propose how to improve the university's website by entering a non-technical criteria at Webometrics and WCAG 2.0 guidelines for technical criteria. Evaluation of the website is divided into two phases, namely the technical evaluation using tools TAW and non-technical evaluation through direct observation using Webometrics success criteria. The results of the evaluation were presented in a graph that shows the error rate of the website. There are some errors that appeared in the technical criteria on 6 websites of Sebelas Maret University, amounting to perceivable 27,08%, operable 17,07% and robust 56,85%. The results of the non-technical criteria all websites are not match in the category of language evaluation, whereas for archiving and persistence parameters only Eprints website, e-learning website, and library website that meet the criteria.
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Analysing Google rankings through search engine optimization data
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