Neuropsychological Test Performance of Normal, Learning‐Disabled, and Brain‐Damaged Older Children
The performance of 75 brain-damaged, learning-disabled, and normal children aged 9 to 14 years was compared on 13 neuropsychological test measures. Analysis of variance, supplemented by t-tests, indicated a significant difference beyond the .01 level on 11 measures and beyond the .05 level on one measure. A discriminant analysis based on weightings of the 13 measures yielded 80 per cent correct classification of subjects, a finding in agreement with the outcome of the multivariate analysis of variance. The results indicated that these psychological measures were individually sensitive to differences among the three categories of subjects and, as a group, were capable of classifying children at a level far exceeding chance. It would appear that neuropsychological variables (brain-sensitive tests) may account for much of the uniqueness in many children with learning disabilities.