The Effect of White and Monochromatic Lights on Chicken Hatching

The study considers the effect of white and monochromatic light on the hatching of the hybrid ROSS 208 chickens.The chicken embryos were most sensitive to white light, reaching the hatching time of 499.80±2.65 hours, thehatchability of 95.08±2.43 %, and an average weight of the hatched chickens 47.17±3.08 g. Of the monochromaticlights, the chicken embryos were most sensitive to yellow light with the hatching time of 501.16±1.84 hours, thehatchability of 94.971.92% and average weight of hatched chicken 45.882.32g. The least reaction of chicken wasobserved with blue light, with the hatching time of 506.741.57 hours, hatchability 92.112.18 % and averageweight of hatched chicken 42.13±2.07 g. The influence of blue light brings the same effects as we observed in thecase of hatching in darkness when the hatching time reached 505.76  2.15 hours, hatchability 91.621.62 % and anaverage weight of hatched chicken 41.731.95 g.