Local government 2035: Strategic trends and implications of new technologies

Technological advancements increasingly disrupt and destabilize markets, institutions, and organizations around the globe. At Arizona State University’s Decision Theater Network (DTN) solutions to complex public policy and social problems are visualized and designed. The ASU Center for Urban Innovation (CUI) works with local leaders on implementing new ways to address seemingly intractable problems and developing resilient systems to help adapt to new challenges and opportunities as they arise. This report is an outcome of several research projects that are underway at the DTN and CUI that examine the role of emerging technologies in societal change, governance, engagement, and the public sphere. The authors present several examples of technological innovations and societal transformations that they believe will: (1) cause fundamental shifts in how local governments are designed and operated, and (2) require radical innovation on the part of local governments to be relevant going into the future. The intention is not to be exhaustive but rather illustrative of key issues that local governments must increasingly consider as the result of technological progress. Issues explored include: drones; automated vehicles; artificial intelligence; peer-2-peer platforms; data privatization; fragile and conflict states; income inequality; and trends in immigration.