APR1400 원자로 내부구조물 종합진동평가 측정데이터 활용 방안
Reactor vessel internals comprehensive vibration assessment program(RVI CVAP) is one of the necessary tests to ensure the safety of nuclear power plants. RVI CVAP of U.S. nuclear regulatory commission regulatory guide 1.20(U.S. NRC R.G. 1.20) consists of the analysis, measurement and inspection. One of the core technologies of the measurement program for RVI CVAP is to select suitable sensors because the measurement is conducted during the critical path of the construction period of nuclear power plants. Therefore, we analyzed RVI thermal-hydraulic and structure design data of Palo Verde nuclear power plant(U.S.), Yonggwang nuclear power plant(Korea) and APR1400 and researched measuring sensors used in them; moreover, we investigated sensors used for measurement of RVI CVAP for the last 20 years throughout the world. Based on these results, we selected suitable measuring sensors for RVI CVAP in advanced power reactor 1400(APR1400).