Passive optical networks based on optical CDMA: Design and system analysis

In this paper, a novel Passive Optical Network based on Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA-PON) is presented. The design of the Optical Line Terminator (OLT) and the Optical Network Unit (ONU) for the OCDMA-PON are studied in detail. The proposed OCDMA-PON combines the advantages of PON and OCDMA technology and it can be applied to an optical access network with full services on demand, such as internet protocol, video on demand, tele-presence and high quality audio. Compared to other multiple access technologies, the proposed OCDMA-PON provides more ONU and assembly flexibly for PON. We analyze in detail the scalability and system transmission performance of such a network. Simulation results indicate that the proposed scheme is feasible and that the novel design can improve the scalability and transmission performance of the optical access networks.