"IT in use in the construction industry needs to find the right balance between, on the one hand, integrated information infrastructures, tools and systems, and, on the other, the organisational peculiarities and complexities intrinsic to this sector. There is a need to support smooth co-operation between non co-located teams, and the co-ordination of their work and activities in an environment that promotes trust and social cohesion. This overall infrastructure should give construction project participants increased flexibility and effective access to project information regardless of its form, format, and location. This is, in fact, the scope that the OSMOS project will tackle. OSMOS is driven by the needs of end-users and the market, through the expertise of European leading construction businesses, including construction IT service providers: DERBi, JM Byggands, and Olof Granlund; and European leading research centres and academic: CSTB, Information Systems Institute of University of Salford, and VTT.
The overall aim of the OSMOS project is to enhance the capabilities of construction enterprises, including SMEs, to act and collaborate effectively on projects by setting up and promoting value-added Internet-based flexible services that support team work in the dynamic networks of the European construction industry. In particular, the project will provide effective model-based solutions to support communication, co-operation, and co-ordination between individuals and groups collaborating in a construction Virtual Enterprise (VE), based on the specificity and information / process requirements of the Construction domain, while at the same time promoting trust and social cohesion between the partners of a VE.
The OSMOS consortium will adopt an incremental and iterative approach to address the project objectives. The integrated OSMOS infrastructure, including the extensions to identified end-users proprietary and commercial systems, will be the result of a series of three iterations. First, the project will define the requirements of the OSMOS infrastructure by analysing the intra-company business processes and information management practices, along with the dynamics, type and nature of interactions taking place on multi-disciplinary construction projects. This will lead onto the definition of the architecture underlying the OSMOS system and the specification of its components. The latter, including the OSMOS models and services, will be implemented based on identified end-users proprietary and commercial systems, and will be available in the form of toolkits, plug-ins and repositories. The OSMOS infrastructure will then be tested and validated through a set of field trials involving the project end-users. Finally, the project will propose a migration path leading to the adoption and the deployment of the OSMOS solutions within the participating organisations and any other company that intends to adopt the proposed team-work solutions.
The proposed paper will give a comprehensive description of the European Framework 5 funded OSMOS project. The OSMOS consortium is aiming, through its user interest groups in Finland, France, and Sweden, to provide ways of validating and translating the results to other industrial sectors."
A. Zarli,et al.
Requirements, barriers and trends in advanced technologies for the large scale engineering uptake
Alain Zarli,et al.
Yacine Rezgui,et al.
A Proposed Open Infrastructure for Construction Project Document Sharing
J. Inf. Technol. Constr..
M Vakola,et al.
Business process re-engineering and organisational change : evaluation of implementation strategies
R. Maull,et al.
Business Process Re‐engineering