Systematic revision and redefinition of the Neotropical genus Epipedonota Solier (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), with descriptions of eight new species

The tenebrionid genus Epipedonota Solier (Pimeliinae: Nycteliini), distributed in the eastern Andes from southern Bolivia to the southern Patagonia in Argentina and Chile, is revised and redefined on the basis of characters of external and internal morphology and male and female genitalia. This article includes a redescription of the genus, redescriptions or descriptions of each of its 23 species, an identification key, habitus photographs of the most representative species, drawings of genital features and metendosternites, and distribution maps. Epipedonota comprises 23 species, out of which eight are described as new: E. microplicatissima Flores & Vidal, E. boliviana Flores & Vidal, E. jujuyensis Flores & Vidal, E. tucumana Flores & Vidal, E. interandina Vidal & Flores, E. sanjuanina Flores & Vidal, E. cordobensis Flores & Vidal and E. mendocina Flores & Vidal. Other valid species of the genus are: Epipedonota tricostata Burmeister, E. elegantula Kulzer, E. willinki Kulzer, E. lata Waterhouse, E. subplana Gebien, E. plicatissima Kulzer, E. sublineata Berg, E. intercostata Berg, E. laevisulcata Fairmaire, E. microdera Burmeister, E. reticulata (Blanchard), E. nitida (Philippi & Philippi) stat. rev., E. cristallisata (Lacordaire) stat. rev., E. ebenina (Lacordaire) and E. senex (Lacordaire) stat. rev. New synonymies are: Epipedonota erythropus Lacordaire under E. ebenina (Lacordaire), E. monilis (Lacordaire) under E. ebenina (Lacordaire), E. bonariensis Waterhouse under E. cristallisata (Lacordaire), E. margineplicata Curtis under E. cristallisata (Lacordaire), E. affinis Waterhouse under E. senex (Lacordaire), E. biramosa Berg under E. nitida (Philippi & Philippi), E. angusta Burmeister under E. microdera Burmeister, and Psectrascelis nycteloides Pena under E. sublineata Berg. Lectotypes are designated for Callyntra nitida Philippi & Philippi, Epipedonota biramosa Berg, E. intercostata Berg, E. sublineata Berg, E. lata Waterhouse, E. affinis Waterhouse, E. bonariensis Waterhouse, E. margineplicata Curtis, E. subplana Fairmaire, E. laevisulcata Fairmaire, E. tricostata Burmeister, E. microdera Burmeister, and E. angusta Burmeister.