자동차 충돌안전도 해석용 유한요소 인체 모델 개발 : Part II 5% 성인 여성 모델
The Small female driver is much more vulnerable during the airbag deployment since they tend to sit on the fore side of seat while driving. In order to evaluate the aggressivity of airbag deployment on small female, so called "Out of Position" problem, it is very often to employ the Hybrid Ⅲ 5% dummy. The lack of biofidelity of Hybrid Ⅲ 5% dummy, however reveals the limits to the understanding of OOP related injury mechanism. Accordingly, a finite element model for small female(5%) has been proposed in this study. As a first step, multi-body rigid model, FARB(Female Articulated Rigid Body) has been developed and validated. Some parametric OOP simulation results will be also presented.