Abstract—This paper presents an analysis of the suitability ofgrammar-based genetic programming for the classification taskin data mining. The evolutionary technique is compared withseveral classic algorithms for inducing decision trees and rules,using classification accuracy as the comparison criterion. I. I NTRODUCTION Data mining (DM) consists of the extraction of useful, com-prehensible and previously unknown knowledge, from hugeamounts of data stored in different formats [16]. Classificationis one of the most studied problems by DM and machinelearning (ML) researchers. It consists in predicting the value ofa (categorical) attribute (the class) based on the values of otherattributes (the predicting attributes). In the ML and DM fields,classification is usually approached as a supervised learningtask. A search algorithm is used to induce a classifier from aset of correctly classified data instances, called the train set.Another set of correctly classified data instances, known as thetest set is used to measure the quality of the classifier obtainedafter the learning process. Different paradigms have been usedin order to tackle classification: decision trees [10], inductivelearning [8], instance-based learning [1] and, more recently,artificial neural networks [18] and evolutionary algorithms [4].In this paper, we focus on decision tree, rule induction andevolutionary techniques.Decision tree methods use greedy algorithms. These algo-rithms are generally fast, very effective, accurate and ableto classify data completely. Most decision tree methods userecursive partitioning techniques that split the data space.However, the greedy nature of these algorithms can overlookmultivariate relationships that can’t be found when attributesare considered separately. Rule induction algorithms usuallyemploy a specific-to-general approach, in which rules aregeneralized (or specialized) until a satisfactory descriptionof each class is obtained. Finally, evolutionary algorithms(EA) are based on the use of probabilistic search algorithmsinspired by certain points of the Darwinian theory of evolution.The flexibility and robustness of EAs allow the discoveryof complex relationships that are usually missed by otheralgorithms.In addition to the learning algorithm, another importantissue that must be considered in classification is the repre-sentation formalism. Rules are one of the most often usedformalisms used to represent classifiers, and is the one we havechosen for our work (a decision tree can be easily convertedinto a rule set [12]). The rule antecedent (IF part) contains acombination of conditions on the predicting attributes, and therule consequent (THEN part) contains the predicted value forthe class. This way, a rule assigns a data instance to the classpointed out by the consequent if the values of the predictingattributes satisfy the conditions expressed in the antecedent,and so, a classifier is represented as a rule set. The rules usedin our work have the following format.
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