개발 예정지역 도로교통소음 음향파워레벨 산정과 응용에 관한 연구

This paper is. a study on relation between road traffic noise(RTN) and sound power level(PWL). At present, many experimental formulae and prediction formulae are used for prediction of RTN. But these formulae are difficult to appiy to the metropolitan area because these formulae are inaccurate in the different condition from reference condition. This paper calculate RTN and PWL of each prediction formula, choose the best one and make a noise map of the subject area. Procedure is as follows. First, calculate $L_{eq}$ of RTN using experimental formulae and prediction formulae. Second, calculate PWL using $L_{eq}$ of RTN and distance attenuation for point source at semi-free field. Third, choose the most accurate formula. And finally, make a noise map of the subject area at present and future. The result using noise map will be able to apply to application field. Noise mapping tool used on this paper is Raynoise program using Ray Tracing Method(RTM), Mirror Image Source Method(MISM) and Hybrid Method(HM).