Graphics in the Corps. Proceedings of the Computer Graphics Colloquium, 1-3 August 1978, United States Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Volume II. Abstracts of Computer Graphics Programs,

Abstract : The colloquium was held at WES, 1-3 Aug 78. The objective was to bring together people from throughout the Corps who were involved in developing and supporting graphics activities in their offices. Over 100 participants representing 11 Division offices, 22 District offices, and 3 Corps laboratories attended the colloquium. Speakers from the field offices addressed the graphics applications that are currently being pursued by their offices. Speakers from the R and D laboratories addressed graphics applications developed for field offices' use and other future developments. The interactive and passive workshops informed participants on using existing graphics programs and provided a forum to discuss the future needs of computer graphics. The Colloquium Proceedings are published in two volumes. All papers and abstracts of the presentations and workshops are included in Volume I. Volume II contains the abstracts of computer graphics programs being used by the Corps' offices.