Abstract The wavelet transformation is a tool that divides data, functions or operations into different frequency components and then studies each component with a resolution matched to its scale [1,8]. Authentication of messages as well as keys has become a major concern for transactions in many areas [12]. Authenticity or the integrity of the messages can be verified by using digital signature techniques [4]. However traditional digital signature consider all multimedia data as integral to the message, such that no modification is practical in todays applications. Generating digital signatures from compressed multimedia data files is valid only if they are always used with a fixed rate [11]. However in many situations transcoding or rate adjustment is needed to sending compressed images, video and keys over hetereneous channels with different band widths. Traditional digital signature methods will fail to distinguish the desirable/acceptable transcending processes and malicious manipulations [10]. This paper presents a network security framework for an authentication scheme based on Wavelet Transformations.
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