Genomic dispersal of the ets gene family during metazoan evolution.

Evolutionary homologs of the ets proto-oncogene have been discovered in the genomes of widely divergent eucaryote species from Drosophila to sea urchin to vertebrates. The prototype mammalian ets-1 and ets-2 genes are divided into three coding domains that differ in their rate of accumulation of sequence divergence. An analysis of sequence divergence of ets gene homologs in various species has produced a phylogenetic history of the ets gene family in the context of metazoan evolutionary radiation. A minimum of five duplication events of ets primordial genes were evident, namely (1) a duplication that separates primitive ets genes (Drosophila precursor of 74E, mouse PU.1 and human ELK1) from the ets-1, ets-2, erg ancestor; (2) and (3) two duplications that established separate ets, erg and elg/GABP-alpha lineages which occurred prior to invertebrate-vertebrate divergence; (4) divergence of ets-1 and ets-2 gene family also associated with vertebrate-invertebrate divergence; (5) duplication of ets-1 and ets-2 in Xenopus laevis to produce two ets-1 genes and two ets-2 genes during genomic tetraploidation in the recent ancestry of this species.