Three-dimensional structure of fimbriae determines specificity of immune response

We recently described how a fraction of isolated fimbriae from a multifimbriated strain of Escherichia coli O7:K1:H6 (WF96) could be subdivided by sequential disaggregation in disrupting agents into individual subunits with different molecular weights. In this study, antibodies were raised in rabbits against these isolated fimbrial subunits and against purified intact WF96 fimbriae. These sera were tested by Western blot analysis or by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for reactivity against the following antigens: intact WF96 fimbriae, dissociated WF96 fimbriae, dissociated and reaggregated WF96 fimbriae, the WF96 21K fimbrial subunit, reaggregated WF96 21K subunits, the WF96 16K subunits, reaggregated WF96 16K subunits, intact fimbriae from four other E. coli strains, and deaggregated fimbriae from these strains. We found that antibody against intact WF96 fimbriae only reacted strongly with intact WF96 fimbriae, depolymerized and reaggregated WF96 fimbriae, or reaggregated fimbrial subunits; no reactions were evident with intact fimbriae from four other E. coli strains. Conversely, antisera prepared against the WF96 16K subunit and against the WF96 21K subunit did not react with intact WF96 fimbriae or with depolymerized and reaggregated WF96 fimbriae, but did react with homologous isolated subunits. One cross-reaction between fimbrial subunits was apparent: anti-WF96 16K subunit bound to a 21K subunit of deaggregated fimbriae, from another E. coli strain. Taken together, the findings indicate that the three-dimensional structure of the fimbrial preparation used to immunize animals determines the specificity of the immune response.

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