An Interim Report on the Origins of Rome

With three volumes of E. Gjerstad's Early Rome still outstanding we are exactly in the middle of the new phase of the research on the origins of Rome. Other works due to appear very soon (perhaps they will already have appeared by the time these pages are published) include A. Alföldi's T. S. Jerome Lectures on Early Rome and the Latins, R. Werner's Der Beginn der römischen Republik and a new volume by H. Müller-Karpe, the author of Vom Anfang Roms (Heidelberg, 1959). Furthermore, historians and archaeologists most actively engaged in this field of research, such as M. Pallottino, R. Bloch, R. Peroni and P. Romanelli, have still much to contribute. In these circumstances any attempt to draw conclusions is clearly premature. But Gjerstad, Alföldi and Bloch have already presented their theories in outline with the explicit or implicit purpose of having them discussed before they are given their final shape. The present paper, which represents two of the three J. H. Gray lectures delivered before the University of Cambridge in March, 1963, is intended as a contribution to this preliminary discussion.

[1]  M. Pallottino The Etruscan Lion , 1962, Antiquity.

[2]  L. Gerschel La conquête du nombre : des modalités du compte aux structures de la pensée , 1962, Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales.


[4]  L. R. Taylor,et al.  I rapporti romano-ceriti e l'origine della civitas sine suffragio , 1961 .

[5]  L. A. Holland Janus and the Bridge , 1961 .

[6]  James W. Poultney,et al.  Il diritto pubblico degli Umbri e le Tavole Eugubine , 1961 .

[7]  E. Pulgram,et al.  The Bronze Tables of Iguvium , 1960 .

[8]  J. Brough The tripartite ideology of the Indo-Europeans: an experiment in method , 1959, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies.

[9]  James W. Poultney,et al.  La terminologia magistratuale nelle lingue osco-umbre , 1958 .

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[12]  J. Gage,et al.  Huit recherches sur les origines Italiques et Romaines , 1952 .

[13]  L. R. Taylor,et al.  An Archaeological Record of Rome from the Seventh to the Second Century B. C. , 1941 .

[14]  J. Gage La mort de Servius Tullius et le char de Tullia , 1963 .

[15]  T. Hackens,et al.  Ostie. — Découvertes et recherches récentes (1957-1962) , 1962 .

[16]  T. Hackens Nouvelles recherches concernant les premiers temps de Rome et la topographie romaine (1957-1961) , 1961 .

[17]  F. Kuiper Some Observations On Dumézil's Theory , 1961 .

[18]  F. Benoît Les fouilles d'Alria et l'expansion hellnique en Occident , 1961 .

[19]  Raymond Bloch The origins of Rome , 1960 .

[20]  J. Gonda Some Observations On Dumézil's Views of Indo-European Mythology , 1960 .

[21]  Vittore Pisani Saggi di linguistica storica , 1959 .

[22]  Hermann Müller-Karpe Beiträge zur Chronologie der Urnenfelderzeit nördlich und südlich der Alpen , 1959 .

[23]  E. Friezer Interregnum and Patrum Auctoritas , 1959 .

[24]  E. V. Dack Beschouwingen over de hervorming van Servius Tullius , 1958 .

[25]  J. D. Vries G. Dumézil. Rituels indo-européens à Rome , 1955 .

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[29]  E. Schäfer Die Heilige Stadt , 1949 .


[31]  Jaques Heurgon Etude sur les Inscriptions Osques de Capoue dites Iúvilas , 1942 .

[32]  Helge Lyngby Die Tempel der Fortuna und der Mater Matuta am Forum Boarium in Rom , 1939 .

[33]  G. Hanfmann,et al.  Ritual and cults of pre-Roman Iguvium , 1937 .

[34]  Louis Delatte Recherches sur quelques fêtes mobiles du calendrier romain , 1936 .

[35]  E. Täubler Die umbrisch-sabellischen und die römischen Tribus , 1930 .

[36]  E. McCartney The Military Indebtedness of Early Rome to Etruria , 1915 .

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