Biosensor Economics and Manufacturing

Biosensor economics and manufacturing cost of biosensors are presented in this chapter. There is very little information available on these topics in the open literature. Thus, it is worthwhile to present information together in one place. Most of the information gathered and presented here is from whatever has recently appeared on the Internet. There is a question of reliability here. This chapter on economics is critical, since some of the terms such as markets for biosensor manufacturing processes, costs, and competition are mentioned here. They are, however, not discussed in any detail, but some of these features are outlined so as to provide one with some sort of perspective. This chapter is the capstone for the entire book, because without it, one is not able to understand the full picture. Similarly, the kinetics of binding and dissociation are presented which helps one to understand the complete picture. Both the kinetics and economics are not presented in any detail elsewhere, and if they are, the kinetics are generally presented for a specific analyte. Besides, if one is to understand the different aspects involved in the economics process for a particular biosensor, then one presumably draws some valuable insights into one's process for biosensor manufacture. Of course, one would have to tailor make or modify some of the comments or conclusions to better suit one's process. It is hoped that this chapter provides some leads and thoughts into what is involved in the so-called biosensor processes, and how one can gain from this knowledge. Surely, this should just serve as a starting point in this very critical endeavor.