Cognitive Effects on Lighting Environment for Improvement of Spatial Satisfaction and Psychological Comfort

ABSTRACT: Occupants’ visual perception, psychological responses and spatial satisfaction under various indoor lighting environments were analyzed in this study. Field measurements and surveys were conducted in four coffeeshop space where different lighting conditions were used. Results imply that worse visual comfort was reported under direct lighting conditions that exposed light sources to occupants. To improve spatial satisfaction in space, lighting environments should lessen visual thresholds and distraction. Also, necessary illuminance levels should be kept with appropriate color of light that occupants prefer. Worse spatial satisfaction was reported under direct lighting environments, and spatial satisfaction was strongly relevant to visual comfort. Psychological comfort for space was positive in space where visual thresholds were minimized and visual comfort was positively evaluated. Psychological and spatial satisfaction was relevant each other. Occupants preferred to stay longer in space where psychological and spatial satisfaction was positively achieved due to less visual thresholds and improved visual comfort. Better psychological and spatial satisfaction was achieved in space where temporary mood and visual perception were favorably evaluated under indirect lighting environments.Keywords: Visual perception(시각적 감지), Spatial satisfaction(공간 만족도), Lighting environment(조명환경), Psychological comfort(심리적 만족도), Mood(무드)