Authors of Names of Bryophytes and the Present Location of Their Herbaria

A list is given of all known authors of names, combinations and changes in status of names of Hepaticae and Musci, with their dates and the present location of their original herbaria and of a considerable number of duplicate specimens. A date in parentheses following an author's name, given when the date of birth or death has not been ascertained, is the date of a major publication. Institutional her- barium abbreviations are those of the sixth edition of Index Herbariorum, 1974. PRIv means that the original herbarium is still in possession of the author. Abbreviations in boldface indicate the original herbarium, if this is known; it is followed by others in the presumed order of quantity of specimens. When the name of a person is added to the herbarium abbreviation it usually indicates that the person so designated actually described the specimens, or that he is known to have acquired all or part of the original herbarium. The list of exsiccatae locations is incomplete; it merely suggests a number of places where a set can be found. The symbol + indicates that the type of a new name is a fossil. The list includes, in addition to bryological authors, persons in whose publications the new bryological names were supplied by others; this accounts for the presence of, for example, Asa Gray and Admiral Parry; when their own herbaria, if any, do not include bryophytes, the herbaria cited are those of the contributing authors. So that as many names as possible could be included, no cutoff date was established; thus the coverage of publications of the recent past is restricted to those immediately avail- able to us.