Usage of information communication technologies (icts) in information seeking amongst university students in botswana

Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) play a great role in information search among university respondents. Respondents use ICT tools for searching information to aid them in doing their assignments and in searching other related information. However, not much has been written on ICT tools used especially by the students and behaviour aspect of browsing habits in Africa. Therefore, this paper sought to fill the information gap by investigating the usage of ICTs in information seeking amongst students. The study adopted a survey method where a sample of 200 respondents was selected for the study across the university. The major finding from the study indicated that there is high usage of ICT tools for information search which is related to their study. The implications of this study are that it will assist the policy makers to come up with best interventions to ensure that ICT tools are available to respondents for usage. In addition, it provokes management to come up with appropriate strategies to minimize constraints faced by respondents in using ICT tools for information search. Key words: Information communication technologies, respondents, constraints, role